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DaAi News

NSSC with third quarter profit surged

  • 来源:骏楠官网
  • 作者:骏楠管理员
  • 日期: 2017-02-21
    2016 fiscal year, the three quarter (2016 10-12 months), the global economic recovery, the U.S. economy has been growing steadily, the European economy continues to rebound slightly, China's economic stimulus policies continued to improve. At the same time, Japan's domestic product growth, labor employment and other economic indicators show signs of early recovery in the country's economy. From the steel market, remained relatively stable in the traditional consumption season in North and Southeast Asian market demand, market supply and demand situation of moderate improvement at the same time, increase the cost of supporting steel coking coal and coke prices continued to rise; Japan's domestic steel demand by the automotive industry and the construction industry pull back to fiscal year 2015 level.
By the above factors, the three quarter of fiscal year 2016 NSSC crude steel production chain was down 0.1% to 11 million 520 thousand tons, an increase of 3.4%; steel shipments of 10 million 290 thousand tons, and a slight increase of 2% and 3% respectively compared to the same period; steel export revenues accounted for by the third quarter of 43% decreased slightly to 42%, and lower than the same period in fiscal year 2015 43%; the average sales price of steel from the third quarter of 67 thousand and 900 yen / ton rose slightly by 4.4% to 70 thousand and 900 yen / ton, than the same period in fiscal year 2015 to 75 thousand and 500 yen / ton fell 6.1%.
Before the three quarter, NSSC crude steel production edged up 2.4% to 34 million 220 thousand tons; steel shipments of 29 million 970 thousand tons, representing a slight increase of 1.1%; steel export revenues accounted for by the 2015 fiscal year three quarter of 45.7% to 42.7%; the average sales price of steel from 2015 in the first three quarters of fiscal year 79 thousand and 400 yen / ton up dropped 13.1% to 69 thousand yen / ton.
Benefit from the steel shipments increased and the average sales price rose slightly, net sales revenue for the 11712 quarter of third NSSC million yen, an increase of 5.6%, but the year is still a slight decline in 3.1%; operating profit of 44 billion 300 million yen, surged 75.8% QoQ, but the year is still a substantial decline in 10%; income tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) is 194 billion 300 million yen, a year-on-year surge 96.3%, surged 54.5%; profit of 80 billion 500 million yen, more than doubled, representing a significant increase of 46.1%; net profit of 48 billion 300 million yen, a year-on-year surge in 88.7%, a significant increase of 46.8%.